Intact Dinosaur Molecules Found

A skeptic's own lab proves that amino acids are from the original dinosaur.

Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

More Original Dinosaur Molecules Found

This time, eggshell fossils were analyzed by experts at the American Chemical Society.

The Non-Evolution of Birds

Dr James F. Coppedge tells an example of a bird whose all-or-nothing migration cannot be explained by evolution.

The Information Packed Into a Bird Egg

There's more in a bird's egg than can be accounted for by the Reverse Humpty Dumpty Hypothesis (i.e., Darwinism).

Original Dinosaur Egg Pigments Found

Add this to your dinosaur soft tissue collection: eggshell pigment proteins that allowed scientists to tell the eggs were blue.

Egg-Shape Evolution Theory Cracks Under Pressure

Touted as an evolutionary explanation for bird egg shapes, a new hypothesis celebrating natural selection falls like Humpty Dumpty under a gentle breeze of questioning.

Design of Life Update: Birds

Illustra Media’s Design of Life documentaries only began to explore the marvels of life. In this entry, we look at more wonders among birds. Eggs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, as shown in a rapid-fire series in the Illustra film. In an “Egg Mythbuster” piece, explains why some eggs are pear-shaped. […]

Four-Footed Snake?

The fossil "transitional form" is not what reporters are making it out to be.
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