Spotted and Striped: Why Many Animals Have Elaborate Patterns

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain the patterns that adorn many diverse animals.

Giving Rise to Skeletons with Darwin’s Magic Wand

Mistakes in a fish embryo gave rise to pole vaulters, thinks a Darwinist.

Fossil Graveyard Explanation Ridiculous Without a Flood

Giant ichthyosaurs, as big as a bus, do not become buried in rock slowly over millions of years.

Darwinism Is Fracturing; Darwinist Celebrates

Here's how to celebrate a fractured theory and forestall a scientific revolution: look happy and excited.

Spontaneous Abortion: A Pro-Life View

Why are so many embryos spontaneously aborted very early in pregnancy? Is it due to "selfish chromosomes" or design?

More Proof Life Begins at Conception

New findings about activity in the zygote should influence discussions about abortion.

Cilia ‘Magic Carpet’ Required for Life

Small details can be critical for life. Look at what is involved in getting an egg into position for fertilization.

Scientists Chip Away at Ethics

When a human being is a commodity, atrocities follow. The time to stop it is before acceleration down the slippery slope.

Does Imperfection Discredit Design?

If God Created Humans Perfect, Why Do so Many Mistakes Occur in Producing New Life? Atheists argue we were not created, but evolved by natural selection of errors called mutations by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction One argument atheists use to support their belief that humans were not created, but instead, evolved, is the imperfect world […]

Scientists Pushing Ethical Lines with Human Embryos

Scientists are bad at policing themselves. What they can do and what they should do are two different things.

How to Do Biology Without Darwin

A paper and press release compare fish and humans, but avoid falling into the Darwin just-so-story habit.

Research on Embryonic Stem Cells Takes Dangerous Turns

They say they seek understanding for our good, but some scientific practices are not ethically justifiable.

Recapitulation Theory Zombie Needs Permanent Burial

Haeckel's myth that embryos relive their evolutionary past keeps reviving. Evolutionists need to give it up.

Is Secular Science Re-Opening the Door to Eugenics?

Justice Clarence Thomas writes a stern, cautionary brief linking Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and Margaret Sanger.

Watch the Birdie Develop

What's more common than a chicken? What's more phenomenal than a chicken? Watch the birdie in the video.
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