Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

Zombie Vestigial Organ Argument Arises

 The case of a "poorly designed organ" argument that was resurrected  … and then reburied!

Good Science Still Flourishing Without Darwinism

Take heart at the good things that are coming from Darwin-free research, especially findings that improve our lives.

Giving Rise to Skeletons with Darwin’s Magic Wand

Mistakes in a fish embryo gave rise to pole vaulters, thinks a Darwinist.

DNA Does Not Explain Morphology

How do you get from a linear code to a skeleton? A new book says nobody has found the answer.

Darwinism Is Fracturing; Darwinist Celebrates

Here's how to celebrate a fractured theory and forestall a scientific revolution: look happy and excited.

Spontaneous Abortion: A Pro-Life View

Why are so many embryos spontaneously aborted very early in pregnancy? Is it due to "selfish chromosomes" or design?

How Organisms Know When to Stop Growing

A common observation becomes a mystery when examined in detail.

More Proof Life Begins at Conception

New findings about activity in the zygote should influence discussions about abortion.

Does Imperfection Discredit Design?

If God Created Humans Perfect, Why Do so Many Mistakes Occur in Producing New Life? Atheists argue we were not created, but evolved by natural selection of errors called mutations by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction One argument atheists use to support their belief that humans were not created, but instead, evolved, is the imperfect world […]

Design of Life Update: Birds

Illustra Media’s Design of Life documentaries only began to explore the marvels of life. In this entry, we look at more wonders among birds. Eggs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, as shown in a rapid-fire series in the Illustra film. In an “Egg Mythbuster” piece, explains why some eggs are pear-shaped. […]

Twist of the Wrist: Dino-Bird Magic

The hand of the evolutionist is quicker than the eye of the reporter.

Pregnancy Protects the Unborn from Immune Attacks

The mother's immune system learns how to protect the embryo instead of attacking it as foreign material.

Epigenetics Leads the Genetics News

More and more studies are revealing systems that regulate DNA. Here are some recent samples.

How the Tiger Got Its Stripes: Dunno

A leading hypothesis for morphogenesis (pattern formation, such as tiger stripes) has been shown to be oversimplified. Whatever gave a tiger its stripes is more complicated than developmental biologists thought.
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