Bioethics: Into the Storm Without an Anchor

On several fronts, scientists without a track record of ethical trustworthiness are pushing culture toward dangerous practices.

Adult Stem Cells Beat Clones

In a contest to see which are better, induced pluripotent stem cells proved just as good as clones. More stem cell news follows.

The Cures Are Inside You

Your body has the means to repair itself, if the right cells get into the right places.

Robots Imitate Life

The goal of robotics is to imitate what humans and animals make look easy.

Findings Spur New Ethical Challenges

Some researchers are pushing harder for human embryonic stem cells over induced pluripotent stem cells. Other news overlapping with ethics is noted in this entry.

Secularists Adrift with Embryonic Ethics

From stem cells to genetically-modified embryos, technology is outpacing ethical rules, and secular ethicists are at a loss what to endorse.

Secular Scientists Continue to Push Leftist Agendas

Evidence is abundant that secular science organizations and their media outlets are committed to leftist positions on a variety of issues, even on subjects outside of science.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Offer Hope

Advances with adult stem cells continue to promise new cures without violating ethical concerns over embryo research.

Stem Cell Revolution Leap Forward? Debunked!

Called revolutionary and "too good to be true," a simple way to turn ordinary cells into stem cells has everyone excited – and some cautious.

Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal

Stem cells continue to show promise for dramatic healings, but reporters don't always clarify what lived or died to produce the cells. Adult stem cells inhabit all living humans; embryonic or fetal stem cells require a human death.

Human Cloning Is Back

If you thought work on human cloning and embryonic stem cell research went out of style with the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells, watch out. The pro-cloning people, who never lost their lust for toying with human embryos, are back.

Scientific Organizations Promote Leftist Social Causes

What on earth does a science journal have to do with abortion or gay marriage? Some editors and reporters are actively pushing for social revolution.

Give Me Liberalism and Give Me Death

Nowhere does the divide between left and right show more starkly than in policies about killing the innocent. Leftist liberals, who are the most supportive of Darwinism, seem to have no problem with tinkering with human life to the point of killing it.

Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs Continue

Adult stem cells continue to show promise as more about these pluripotent cells comes to light.

Why Exercise Builds Muscle

You have stem cells alongside your muscles that provide a ready pool of new muscle cells.
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