Origin of Life Astrobiology as a Drug May 16, 2024 More extreme doses are required to keep the public addicted to their false hopes. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Another Saturn Moon Hired for Astrobiology February 8, 2024 Liquid water under Mimas? Impossible. But if it is there, could life be far behind? CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Animists in Modern Dress: Origin-of-Lifers February 5, 2024 The spirits of the molecules give rise to animated complex systems, goes the new false religion. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Enceladus Has Cyanide; Evolutionists Imagine Life December 19, 2023 Evolutionary hype over potential life at Saturn's tiny moon goes into overdrive with discovery of poison. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Archive: Enceladus Eruptions Reported (2005) November 25, 2023 We were among the first to announce the geysers found on Enceladus. CONTINUE READING
Media Reckless Claims Pollute Science September 29, 2023 If scientists are serious about the lack of public trust, let them clean house at the universities. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn Moon Pops Its Cork June 1, 2023 The James Webb Telescope witnesses Enceladus erupting in a phenomenal geyser plume of record size. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Saturn’s Rings Officially Young (Again) May 12, 2023 Old agers can't weasel around it any more. Saturn's rings are short-lived. They cannot be as old as Saturn. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life The OOL Tease: NASA’s Ponzi Scheme January 16, 2023 If you buy into NASA's perennial search for the origin of life, you'll lose it all. There's no collateral. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Earth Arctic Is Not Like Enceladus November 22, 2022 NASA commits its most common logical fallacy in a press release geared to titillate the public about astrobiology. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology NASA to Fly Owls to Look for Elvis October 6, 2022 Is an experiment a waste of time if it has almost zero possibility of success? Perhaps, but the spinoffs can be useful. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Activity in Jupiter Moons Defies Long Ages April 20, 2022 New findings continue a running theme: the real solar system doesn't look like the expected solar system. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Pluto Falsifies Deep Time March 30, 2022 Planetary scientists are shocked at Pluto's youth and activity. They have no answers. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Two More Age Troubles for Saturn’s Rings February 4, 2022 Disruptive processes make it harder to believe Saturn's rings could last for billions of years. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Planetary Scientists Are Myth-Directed September 29, 2021 They imagine life on every planet. But it is illogical to build a case on a sample size of one. CONTINUE READING