Archive: First Land Animals, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Beetle Fans

Enjoy some of our posts from 22 years ago, which were lost during a website upgrade.

Gecko Smacks Latest Convergence Tale

A "gecko-approved" story of convergent evolution is more like a funny Darwin commercial.

Great Oxidation Myth Unravels, Saved by the Scenario

Darwinians never give up a useful myth. When it falls apart, they patch it up with imagination.

Epigenetics Complicates Evolutionary Theory

Evidence has been mounting that other mechanisms and codes that regulate the genetic code are just as vital as DNA itself.

Good Science Bears Good Fruit

Science may not understand reality, but individual scientists know what can benefit other people.

How to Lubricate Your Body’s Gears

You have gears in your spine. Ask these Swedish researchers who say so, and learn some gear maintenance skills, too.
Amazing Facts

Body Wonders to Be Thankful For

You may not have much money or fancy belongings, but you live in the greatest traveling home one could wish for.

The Best Science Imitates Nature

Biomimetics has everything science desires: inspiration, motivation, understanding, and application.

People Smell All Over, and Other Body Surprises

Here are some new discoveries you probably didn't realize about the human body.

The Frantic Determination of Some Scientists to Discover Life Elsewhere

We often hear exciting news about 'habitable planets' that might have life, or at least the 'building blocks of life.' Are these reports based on sound thinking about the requirements?

OOL Cells Are DOA

NASA throws money at origin-of-life (OOL) studies that are doomed to failure, and at education programs to tell students that futility is good science.

Biomimetics Parade Marches Upward

Scientists continue to find amazing things about animals and plants that they wish to imitate in technology.

Ancient DNA Recovered from Caves

New techniques are allowing scientists to extract ancient DNA from cave soil. But is it really as old as claimed?

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Weekend Biomimetics Showcase

The focus in biology these days is on design. Here's evidence.
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