Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

Archive: Plant Email, Aliens, Sex, Sandstone, More

Here's a collection of short articles published by CEH in July 2001.

Calling It Evolution When It’s Not

Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation.

Rethink of Genetics Supports ID over Darwinism

Out with junk DNA. Out with the Central Dogma. Make way for design thinking.

How DNA Is Packaged in Sperm Cells

No Evidence Exists for Sperm Evolution: More Complex than Assume Just a Few Months ago

Archive: Tiny RNAs Discovered (2001)

The discovery of micro-RNAs, announced 22 years ago, launched a huge new effort into epigenetics: cataloging and understanding the many parts of the cell that regulate genes.

Body Size Change Is Not Evolution

Evolutionists keep looking for laws to make Darwinism scientific. There are too many exceptions.

Internal Beauty: the Nuclear Pore Complex

Like a 3-D puzzle solved in 15 minutes, the nuclear envelope is a wonder to behold.

Must Aging Presuppose Deterioration?

There's nothing in biology that prevents longer life – at least in theory.

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

Epigenetics: Adaptation Without Darwinism

Regulating existing genetic information is a way life gains heritable change without blind natural selection.

The Wisdom of Doubting Scientific Consensus

If you wait long enough, scientists will find exceptions to their dogmas and will have to rethink everything.

Darwinism at a Tipping Point

Some leading evolutionists admit major problems with their theory yet keep trying to solve them by adding more problems.

Darwinspeak: An Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Darwin made it possible to become an intellectually fool-filled essayist.
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