Your Body Constantly Fights Cancer

Sometimes cancer cells take hold, but not for want of constant surveillance and combat by the immune system.

Cancer Research Is Based on Intelligent Design, Not Evolution

To Understand Cancer Requires Acceptance of Irreducible Complexity

What Good Is a Hairball?

When you start looking for clues to good designs in nature, the results are everywhere.

Reasons for Thanksgiving in Your Body Cells

Here are things you probably didn't know about your body. Now that you know, you'll have more reasons to be thankful tomorrow.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.

Your First Breath Was Irreducibly Complex

Multiple changes had to take place on cue when you came out of the womb.

Buck Up; We're Stuck on Earth

Star Trek is out, scientists have found. Our bodies can't take extended space travel.

More Wonders Going On Inside You

Since we all live in a body, we should all feel intrigued with what goes in under our skin. There are more wonders than science can ever fully know.

Wonders Inside You

Do you have any idea how many emergencies are resolved inside your body every day without your conscious knowledge or control? Here are just 3 examples.
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