Big Science Airs Its Dirty Laundry

All is not well in scientism. Big Science is as fallible as other institutions.

Scientific Uncertainty Is Cosmic in Scope

Different researchers can use the same data to reach opposite conclusions. This contributes to a crisis of confidence in science.

More Reasons to Doubt a Climate Doomsday

We're just reporting what secular pro-warmist journals are saying.

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Teachers Learn How to Fight Design in Class

Like military strategists, teachers are learning how to take countermeasures when they encounter intelligent design.

Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice

Plant materials in an ice core cannot be a million years old. They look like they were buried in the recent past.

Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists

Wildfire smoke and other factors have not been properly taken into account in climate models.

Whoops; Tooth Date Is at Least 750% Off

It's amazing how wrong evolutionists can be without batting an eye. Errors this large should be a firing offense.

Unknowns Found in Climate Change Models

"Follow the science!" the consensus demands, and many politicians fall in line to look good. These stories cast doubt on the science.

Big Science Needs to Repent

In a stunning rebuke, 22 scientists write in Nature that science needs humility and transparency.

Global Policies Can Trust Fake Science

Some matters are just too complicated to know with certainty. Here's another "whoops" moment in climate science.

Fallacious Assumptions Corrupt Science

Scientists are not immune from the attraction of primrose paths that lead to confirmation of their biases.

Time to Ditch the Drake Equation

Frank Drake's equation for the probability of space aliens is chopped-up ignorance mushed into pseudo-scientific sausage.

Science Is Nothing Without Integrity, cont.

This entry continues yesterday's news about scientific integrity.

Natural Sources of Methane Surprise Climate Scientists

Methane is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Look where it comes from.
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