US Conservative Leader Falls for Darwin Party Narrative

He should have exercised his good critical thinking skills better on this topic.

Archive: Ancient DNA, Evolution, Panspermia, Nazis, Creation, Phillip Johnson

CEH was not yet a year old when these articles were published in late July 2001.

Archive: Ethics, Rights, Bird Trees, Stalactites, Cells

Would you know some of these articles are "old news" from 23 years ago if you didn't see the dates? It appears that evolutionists have not changed much.

The Fall of Big Science

You can't trust what Big Science says any more. It's up to individuals with integrity to rebuild science.

Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science

The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time.

Wildlife Conservationists Need to Study History

Fair hunting laws actually benefit wildlife populations.

White Supremacists Adore Darwin

Shocking quotes from leading white supremacists reveal genocidal intentions based on Darwin's worldview.

Darwinism Dehumanizes

Evolutionary theory undermines all that is good, true and beautiful in human nature.

Big Science Sinking in a Swamp of Wokeness

Honest scientists are worth their weight in gold, but the public face of Big Science has been infected by leftism.

Wolf Reintroduction: Why the Fascination With Predators?

  WHY THE FASCINATION WITH PREDATORS? by J.Y. Jones, MD Even a cursory review of the literature will show that the steamroller called “wolf reintroduction” has already rumbled past and become unstoppable. Coloradans narrowly passed a measure approving wolf reintroduction west of the Continental Divide in 2020. This referendum gave considerable authority to the Colorado […]

Darwin Evangelist Preaches World Peace by Natural Selection

David Sloan Wilson is still at it, seeing evolution as a hammer and every human problem as a nail.

2022 Year in Review

Here is a list of the most visited articles in Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022.

Happy Atheist Christmas

Atheists don't want to be left out of Christmastime. But are their "ethical celebrations" well grounded in their worldview?

Climate Lords: Millions Must Suffer for the Common Good

We're seeing the return of a political view with long, dark roots: pragmatism requires populations to lose their rights.
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