Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Nazi Medicine Inspired by Darwin

Darwin-inspired Nazi medicine dominated academia in Germany and produced a horrific medical atlas.

Survival of the Nicest? Now They Tell Us.

Struggle for existence? No; love makes the world go round.

New Book on Scopes Trial Exposes Racism

This is the first book documenting the fact that the Scopes Trial was, at its heart, about racism.

Darwinism Played a Central Role in Nazi Crimes

—A fact documented by a new study published by the leading medical journal The Lancet.

Racist University Brain Collection Exposed After Almost a Century

Another evil fruit of Darwinism exposed at long last: racist director of Smithsonian museum Aleš Hrdlička is an embarrassment now.

Can Transgender Views Be Defended from Genesis?

If one's interpretation of Genesis leads to the idea that males can get pregnant, something has gone very wrong in hermeneutics.

Historian Agrees: Darwin and Eugenics Led to the Holocaust

Historians are finally coming clean about how Darwinism birthed eugenics which spawned the Holocaust.

The Human in the Elephant Room

Man: domesticate thyself. Make like an elephant. Or, maybe humans already did. Or elephants did.

Keep Darwinists Out of the Hospital

The ones who brought us eugenics and purposeless existence want to "help" your doctors. No way!

Conservative Utah Aggressively Supported Eugenics

Contradiction: eugenics was bad, but a 2023 analysis suggests that eugenics is OK if achieved by abortion.

Supreme Court Clarifies Establishment Clause

Has the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Itself on church-state matters? A recent decision examined.

Darwinian Scientists Produced the Holocaust

How Scientists and University Professors Produced the Holocaust: The Shadow of the Professor Change Laura Tan Case.

Science Condemns Co-Inventor of the Transistor

Another racist called out for his racism yet Charles Darwin, one of the most influential racists in history, gets a pass.

Darwinism Led to Scientific Racism

Science is a half century behind: the world’s leading science journal, Nature, finally admits that Darwinist "science" was a major cause of racism.
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