A Creationist Offers Kind Words to Evolutionists

In one regard, Dr Bergman can compliment evolutionists. Aside from their blind spot, they often view reality accurately.

Scientists Can Be Inept Philosophers

An undergrad philosopher could make mince meat out of some scientists' claims.

Science Can Dumb Down, Corrupt, and Mislead the Public for Decades

It's impossible to present so-called scientific "findings" about the human mind that are morally neutral.

"Evidence-Based" Findings May Not Be

Patients are encouraged to seek only "evidence-based" treatments for disease, but a look behind the scenes of clinical trials reveals some of the same human foibles that plague any science: shortcomings in honesty and transparency.

Psychotherapy Has a Shrink

For better or worse, the practice of psychotherapy is shrinking, reports say.
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