Philosophy of Science Models Are Not Facts July 24, 2024 Scientists rely on computer models, but are some of them creating fake illusions of reality? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Was a Loser Before He Was Recast as a Legend March 25, 2024 The Myth was not the man. A new book shows this in Darwin's own words. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Is Materialism Starting to Crack? December 25, 2023 Some papers in journals offer hope that materialist assumptions are weakening. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Human Evolution Story Constantly Rethought December 14, 2023 Nothing we were taught is true. Everything is up for revision. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland November 29, 2023 Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Do Cosmologists See Clearly with Chickenwire? January 27, 2023 They talk glibly about observing objects billions of light-years away, but their empiricism is tainted by assumptions. CONTINUE READING
SETI The Pseudoscience of Psychoanalyzing Aliens December 19, 2022 One cannot determine the motives of beings that are completely unknown. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Nudge Theory Falsified July 29, 2022 The effectiveness of a popular theory for manipulating human behavior is effectively zero. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science How to Deprogram a Scientism Dogmatist July 11, 2022 There are still people who suffer under illusions of scientism. They need your help. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course April 5, 2022 Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Shocked At Its Own Cluelessness November 4, 2020 Major journal blames the public for how out of touch Big Science finds itself. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Totalitarians on the Loose in Science February 1, 2020 One must stop totalitarians before they gain power, or they will never relinquish it. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Interpretation Must Not Outrun Evidence September 20, 2019 Here's a funny story about scientific interpretation of evidence. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Some Professionally-Safe Darwin Doubters Are Now Speaking Out August 5, 2019 When the coast is clear, and their careers are safe, some academics can afford to doubt Darwin publicly. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Belief in Dark Matter Propelled by Theory, Not Evidence July 26, 2019 Behold a scientific theory costing millions that has no evidence, but is clung to with unremitting tenacity. CONTINUE READING