Archive: Your Model Train Set

Model trains in your cells? Yes: read about this and other wonders from 21 years ago. Note: Some embedded links may no longer work. Your Model Train Set   02/25/2003 Model train enthusiasts never had it so good. Imagine five different models of finely-crafted engines, all in perfect working order, and enough track to cover a […]

Not Funny: The Evolution of Humor

If humor is just an evolutionary behavioral artifact, why laugh?

Hummingbirds Thrive on Sugar

Why don't hummingbirds get diabetes? They didn't evolve to live on sugar; they were designed that way.

How Flies Control Eyes Size

Getting left-right symmetry doesn't just happen. It is regulated by specialized machines.

Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science

The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time.

How to Strip Useless Darwinese from Science Articles

It's a bad habit that adds nothing. Acid-wash the Darwinese from science.

A Black PhD Who Suffered Scientific Racism by Evolutionists

This egregious case of discrimination showed academia's intolerance for black Christians.

Evolution vs Climate

Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not.

2023 in Review

Thanks to all who have supported CEH. Here are highlights from 2023. Reporting will resume on Jan. 2.

New Book Presents C.S. Lewis as Warrior Against Evolutionary Naturalism

C.S. Lewis was the most effective anti-evolutionist of the last century.

Archive: Christmas Stories from 2005

Here are a couple of entries relating to Christmas from 18 years ago.

Human Evolution Story Constantly Rethought

Nothing we were taught is true. Everything is up for revision.

Rampant Speculation Rules Science Media

Science reporters routinely speculate about things they can't possibly know.

New Book on Scopes Trial Exposes Racism

This is the first book documenting the fact that the Scopes Trial was, at its heart, about racism.

Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland

Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy.
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