Darwin and Evolution Evolution: A Useless Tag August 15, 2023 Scientists should drop the word "evolved" from their writing. It obscures much and accomplishes nothing. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution A Punk Eek Theory for Climate? August 11, 2023 Something is rotten in the state of science. The ghost of Stephen Jay Gould is lurking in climatology. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Editorial: Big Science, Earn Trust Before Demanding It August 5, 2023 Calling anyone who distrusts Big Science omniscience a "pseudoscientist" is just a gimmick. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Big Whale and Bigger Evolutionary Tale August 4, 2023 Scientists aren't sure what they are looking at, but evolution isn't helping. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Did Humans’ Unique Skeletal Architecture Evolve? August 2, 2023 Attempts to prove evolution of upright walking actually supports intelligent design. CONTINUE READING
Media Evolution Media: Dogma First, Then Puzzles August 1, 2023 Evolution is a fact! Got that? If so, now you are ready for the difficulties. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Questions Materialists Fail to Ask July 28, 2023 Evolutionary biologists and non-theistic scientists ask the wrong questions and avoid some obvious ones. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Do Horse Toes Support Evolution? July 26, 2023 The loss of horse-hoofed toes: scientists baffled about why they were lost. But were they? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Amber Fossils: Comparing Explanations July 20, 2023 Explaining a fossil's history is not an observation; it is an inference from assumptions. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Body Size Change Is Not Evolution July 18, 2023 Evolutionists keep looking for laws to make Darwinism scientific. There are too many exceptions. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Biogeography: Whose Problem? July 10, 2023 Don't think that evolutionists are immune from vexing questions about where species have dispersed. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Fudge Evidence to Glorify Darwin June 28, 2023 The flimsiest evidence gets co-opted for use in daily celebrations of King Charley. CONTINUE READING
Education India Schools Drop Evolution: Academia Screams June 19, 2023 India drops evolution for students under 16. The outcry is loud and aggressive over worries that the creation movement is spreading to Asia. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Gets a Tongue Lashing May 29, 2023 An article on the evolution of the tongue deserves the Bronx cheer. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Out On a Limb: The Evolution of Olympians May 24, 2023 Pole vaulters, gymnasts, and hurdlers got their start by accident in precocious fish, say evolutionists. CONTINUE READING