Evolutionary Psychology Refutes Itself

Why intelligent PhD psychologists cannot see this implicates Darwinism as a logic-destroying mind virus.

Archive: Ape Archaeology, Cat Psychology, Old DNA, and a Bridge

From May 2002, these articles are still informative and sometimes funny.

Darwinian Anthropology Is Inherently Elitist

A study on African hunter-gatherer singing habits borders on racism, elitism, and malpractice.

Social Scientists Ashamed but Still Ask for Trust

One of the largest ever studies of predictions by social scientists shows an embarrassing failure rate.

Never Trust an Evolutionary Psychologist

Anxious? Depressed? Having a bad relationship? Darwinists will say it's all just a meaningless game.

Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science

Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized.

Secular Awe Falls Short

Secular scientists and astronomers are only human; they feel awe, too. But why, and for what end?

Big Science Still Pushing Abortion

With lies and propaganda, academics and journals push abortion without a hint of trying to be objective.

Darwinism Undermines Freedom and Sense

If all behavior is based on evolution, where is personal freedom? Evolutionists seem unaware they shoot themselves in the foot.

Awe Demands an Awe-Giver

Materialists want to reap the psychological benefits of godly attitudes without entering the narrow gate properly.

How to Correct a Theophobe

Psychologists are the worst when it comes to illogical theories about the "evolution of religion."

On the Evolution of Cuteness

Darwin silliness has reached a new low. A grad student is working on a paper about how evolution makes people watch cat videos.

You Are Not Evolving

The Darwin media industry manipulates irrelevant evidence to sell the public fake science notions that claim evolution is happening in humans.

Don’t Trust a Secular Shrink

What is secular psychology good for? With few exceptions, it is good for nothing but running away from.

Science Confirms Biblical Human Nature

Science reveals that people are just like what the Bible says they are: image-bearers of their Creator, yet fallen into sin.
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