Ignoring the Sauropod in the Room

Evolutionists continue to ignore dinosaur soft tissue as they pontificate about fossilization.

Gogo Darwin: Latest Evo-Hype from Heart Fossil

A soft-tissue fossil should shame Darwinians into embarrassed silence, but they're using it to promote evolution.

Dinosaur Skin Dazzles Scientists

Skin of a juvenile hadrosaur emerges from a riverbank in Canada; is it really 78 million years old?

Fossil Squid Named for Joe Biden

It would be mean to call Biden a grasping squid, but that's who scientists decided to name a fossil for. It challenges evolution.

Echinoderm Graveyard Found

Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial.

Fossil Marine Reptile Buried with Last Meal Intact

Here is another example of an ichthyosaur that was buried rapidly. This one didn't have time to digest its lunch.

Trilobite Eyes Were Already Modern

Some trilobites had compound eyes similar to modern crustaceans and insects. They just popped into existence without ancestors.

Mammoth Ligaments Found in Siberian Lake

Frozen mammoths have been found in abundance before; this one, with intact ligaments, was found in a lake.

Dinosaur DNA Found!

Deep-timers had a big enough problem with collagen and melanosomes. But DNA should be long gone. 75 million years? No way!

Brain Thoughts

Here are recent findings about brains that are big and small, squishy and tough, but all amazing.

Cambrian Brains Found

Exquisitely preserved fossils of Cambrian arthropods show minute details of brain and central nervous system.

Evolution vs Science

If evolution were subject to falsification, it would have been abandoned 160 years ago. The facts keep attacking Darwinism.

Bad Lip Reading with Fossils

Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died.

Fossil Forest Found in Antarctica

Claimed to be 280 million years old, stumps of fossil trees retain original material in the world's coldest climate.

Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.
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