Archive: Fossils, Evolution, Cell Repair, Morals, SETI

Some of the lies evolutionists were telling 23 years ago are still being told today.

Archive: Eyes, Ears, Clocks, and Cold Dinosaurs

These entries from February 2022 are still worth reading. Enjoy!

The Greatest Miracle of Jesus

An eye surgeon considers the implications of giving sight to someone who never saw.

Blinking is a Big Problem for Evolution

New research supports creation, not evolution.

Trilobite Ocelli Found; Like Compound Eyes, They Popped Into Existence

The so-called median eyes of many arthropods were thought to be missing in trilobites, but have now been discovered.

“Simple” Vision Is Too Much for Evolution

The complexities of human visual consciousness exceed the capabilities of evolutionary processes.

Eye Cornea Stuns Physiologists

It's more complex than assumed a few weeks ago, illustrating that as science progresses, evolution regresses.

No Evidence for the Evolution of Crab Eyes

This crab eye was complete, well-developed and functional, with soft tissue preserved.

Body Gifts to Stop Taking for Granted

There's more going on in our bodies than we know. We should exercise more gratitude.

Eyes Have a Well-Designed Support System

The eye support system is functional and well-designed: brow ridges, eyebrows, and eyelashes all serve important roles.

Fly Specialties Amaze Scientists

The humble housefly deserves some respect for its engineering design.

Unexpected Synergy in Bilateral Symmetry

Working on one side of the body affects the other side, even if it is idle. How can that be?

Trilobite Eyes Were Already Modern

Some trilobites had compound eyes similar to modern crustaceans and insects. They just popped into existence without ancestors.

Our Senses Did Not Evolve

Despite what evolutionists say, our bodies with their amazing senses are the work of a designing intelligence par excellence.

Popeye Surprises Evolutionists

Abrupt appearance is not evolution, especially when it appears in one of the very first animals in the fossil record.
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