Fake News: This Fossil Was Painted On

Another fake fossil used to document evolution has been exposed.

Fake Spider Scares Experts

  Yet Another Fake Fossil Published in a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal! What’s going on in paleontology? by Jerry Bergman, PhD The headline of a creation website announced in bold letters, “Fake spider fossil passes peer review!”[1] It then asked, “What lessons should be learnt?” The first lesson is, although the common claim, at least by […]

Is This Duck a Dinosaur?

Before swallowing the hype about the latest dino-bird fossil, ask some hard questions.

Fake 'Gospel' Manuscript Exposed

The so-called "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" is almost certainly a fraud.

Reproducibility Crisis in Psychology, and Other Science Woes

Here's more evidence that human pride, greed and ambition can get in the way of the ideals of science.
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