Old Fat Not Worth Chewing: Evolutionary Tale Update

It took two years, but now evolutionists have been falsified more properly.

Human Body Marvels You Probably Don’t Know About

Here's news of interest to everyone who inhabits a human body. Space aliens, eat your heart out.

Saturday Funnies from the DODO Heads

Here's the latest DOPE from the DODO heads. They hate being laughed at. They want so passionately to be taken seriously.

Biological Fact: Men and Women Are Different

Today's trend of gender confusion flies in the face of science. Who is "anti-science" in this hotbed political issue?

Health Advice Keeps Changing

Many things the experts told us were good for us or bad for us have "evolved" – sometimes into opposite counsel.

Fat Chance: Evolutionists Push Date of Soft Tissue Back 558 Million Years

The latest find of original molecules in a fossil should falsify long ages, but the discoverers use it to celebrate Darwinian evolution.

Your Body Talks to Itself

Proteins form large communications network to keep the body in sync with the biological clock.

Reasons for Thanksgiving in Your Body Cells

Here are things you probably didn't know about your body. Now that you know, you'll have more reasons to be thankful tomorrow.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Show Promise

Ethical stem cells from adult tissues make more news than embryonic stem cells.

Humans Could Be Much Healthier

Recent news about the body's remarkable powers raise questions about why we aren't better off.

Design in Tiny Fruit Flies

Among the smallest of flyers, these amazing insects pack incredible technology into a tiny package.

Why Hebrew Captives Had Healthier Diet Than Their Captors

A new report on dietary "pulse" shows health benefits that certain captives enjoyed 2,600 years ago in what is now Iraq.

More Wonders Going On Inside You

Since we all live in a body, we should all feel intrigued with what goes in under our skin. There are more wonders than science can ever fully know.

Scientists Can Agree on Things that Aren’t So

Whenever you hear "all scientists agree" or "we now know," it's no guarantee a finding won't be disputed years later. In the following examples, CEH focuses not so much on the content of the disputed subjects as the implications for philosophy of science.
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