Are These Really Pterosaur Feathers?

The fuzzy claim says more about Darwin Party groupthink than actual pterosaur traits.

Pterosaur Feathers: Another Myth Exploded

The debate about when dinosaurs developed feathers has been supported by claims that feathers existed on the flying reptiles called pterosaurs.

Watch the Birdie Develop

What's more common than a chicken? What's more phenomenal than a chicken? Watch the birdie in the video.

Darwinists Imagine Feathered Crocodiles

Fuzz has been found on a pterosaur. That's not news. But split ends on some fibers are electrifying the evolutionary imagination.

Birds to Watch

Here are some amazing stories about birds, to inspire wonder and admiration of these varied and beautiful flying creatures.

Cretaceous Starling Flew Over Feathered Dinosaurs

A beautifully-preserved fossil from China shows a full-fledged bird doing just fine 60 million years before T. rex walked.

Thousands of Dinosaur Tracks Found in Alaska

Nearly inside the Arctic Circle along the Yukon River, thousands of dinosaur tracks have been found – one of several surprising discoveries about dinosaurs.

What Is the Evidence for Feathers Before Flight?

Birds evolved from dinosaurs; that's the evolutionary consensus. Let's examine the evidence for that scenario.

How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers

How does a growing flower bud or feather follicle know where to put the intricate colors and patterns on a mature flower or feather? Scientists are beginning to get partial answers.

What Do a Toucan, an Oyster and a Spider Have in Common? Bio-Engineers' Drool

If we want to build more robust, lightweight materials, two researchers say, look to nature.

Evolution of Flight: A Story Looking for Evidence

An evolutionary dogma is that land dinosaurs evolved into flying birds. When the claims are acid-washed with critical analysis, what evidence remains?

Another Flap Over Dinosaur Feathers

The first North American "feathered dinosaur" has put the media in a frenzy of celebration over questionable data.
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