Proving Evolution With Imaginary Facts

Need evidence? Make some up. After all, since evolution is a fact, the evidence must have existed.

Tweety Rex Found in China

It's not a joke. Evolutionists are actually trying to connect a mighty dinosaur with a delicate tweety bird.

Evolutionary Paleontologists Ask Wrong Questions

Data that should falsify evolutionary timelines instead is used to launch new storytelling speculations.

This Dinosaur-Era Bird Was Not Evolving

The only fossil evidence was a larger beak than expected. From that, a scenario of evolution was built.

Questioning Another Dino-Bird

Another Chinese fossil bird with a few dinosaur-like characteristics raises question about the evolutionary narrative.

Be-WAIR of Clawed Birds

Evolutionists have not come up with a better theory for bird flight than a silly hypothesis concocted 16 years ago.

Flight: If You Can’t Evolve It, Model Your Imagination

This is silly. A robot model with outstretched arms cannot begin to say how dinosaurs took wing.

Darwinists Use Fossils as Props for Propaganda

With one-party rule in any institution, everything supports the party line. Open debate would be healthy for paleontology.

The Flying Giraffe and Other Fossil Stories of Extinct Reptiles

Imagine a giraffe leaping into the air and flying off. That's what this giant pterosaur was like. Other interpretations about extinct reptiles are not so certain.

Pin the Feather on the Dinosaur

Careless artists and reporters have put imaginary feathers on a one-ton dinosaur that couldn't fly.

Proof of Dinosaur Feathers?

Opinions are swirling about an amazing piece of amber with enclosed feathers. Let's look at what is known so far.

Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link

From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin.

Bird Flew Over Dinosaurs

An exceptionally-preserved fossil bird could be mistaken for a modern agile flyer—except it's dated early Cretaceous.

Dinosaurs Wore Scales, Birds Wore Feathers

Interesting new fossils of dinosaurs and birds cause some rethinking, calling into question whether previous thinking was thought out well.

Early Bird Exacerbates Dinosaur Transition

It flew, and looks like a modern shorebird, but it pushes back the evolution of birds from dinosaurs by millions of years. Then there's that unicorn thing.
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