Anti-Christian Science Becoming More Blatant

The first step in persecution is portraying a group as standing in the way of progress. To many, a credible synonym for "progress" is "science."

Does Imperfection Discredit Design?

If God Created Humans Perfect, Why Do so Many Mistakes Occur in Producing New Life? Atheists argue we were not created, but evolved by natural selection of errors called mutations by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction One argument atheists use to support their belief that humans were not created, but instead, evolved, is the imperfect world […]

Scientists Pushing Ethical Lines with Human Embryos

Scientists are bad at policing themselves. What they can do and what they should do are two different things.

Is Secular Science Re-Opening the Door to Eugenics?

Justice Clarence Thomas writes a stern, cautionary brief linking Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and Margaret Sanger.

How to Scientifically Justify Horror

A leading American science journal whimpers over loss of access to body parts of murdered humans.

Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban

Darwinism cheapens human life. Here's a huge societal debate about the consequences.

Humans Are Exceptional at Birth – and Before

More studies show humanness from the start of life.

Why Is Big Science Pro-Death?

Big Science and Big Media support abortion and assisted suicide for no scientific reason.

Germany Reconstructing Nazi Medical Atrocities

German scientists who studied euthanasia victims' brains "were very good researchers of international standing."

Tinkering with Human Embryos More Brazen than Ever

Secular biologists want to see how long they can keep embryos in a dish before killing them.

Who Knows the Evil that Darwinians Do?

Look no further for disproof of Darwinism than the horrid fruits of believing in it.

Scientific Ethics: A Reader Digest

For your weekend reading, here's a summary of news articles on various topics related to scientific integrity and ethics.

Big Science, Big Media Go on Offense for Abortion

How did it come to this? Illegal and immoral activity is revealed, and Big Science not only justifies it; it attacks the messengers.

Secular Science Leaders Defend Baby Butchering

Instead of joining the outrage against the dismemberment and marketing of baby body parts, science leaders rush to defend the grisly practice.

Science Site Rationalizes Sales of Baby Body Parts

The video that shocked the nation—Planned Parenthood selling fetal organs—is whitewashed by a science website.
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