ID Pioneer Ponders Theology

A key figure in the intelligent design movement considers the worldview implications of the fine tuning he has documented.

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point

If prediction is a test of good science, Big Bang theory should be renamed Big Bust.

Hawking’s Final Theorem Does Not Produce a Viable Theory of Cosmic Origins

It illustrates the problem of being blinded by your conclusion, then attempting to build a case to support it.

Hawking Left Our Privileged Planet on an Absurd Note

His Legacy Might Be Called 'On the Origin of a Fine-Tuned Universe from Nothing.'

JWST Surprises and Discoveries

Galaxies evolve quicker than expected, and stunning new images of Hubble classics dazzle the eyes.

How to Become an Expert in Ignorance

She's proud of all the things she doesn't know and can't figure out. This points to serious problems in our education system.

Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part 2

Here are two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 2).

Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I

Here are just two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 1 of 2).

Richter Scaling: Is Funding for Astrobiology and SETI Justified?

Should the government fleece taxpayers again for a project with almost zero chance for success? Consider two "Richter scales" that should inform hopes.

The Information Packed Into a Bird Egg

There's more in a bird's egg than can be accounted for by the Reverse Humpty Dumpty Hypothesis (i.e., Darwinism).

NASA Promotes Natural Miracles

To know the vast improbabilities, and yet to leap over them with imaginary stories – that's deceiving the public.

Is Dark Matter a Myth?

More precise tests continue to fail to find dark matter or dark energy. How long do scientists get to look for occult phenomena that may not be real?

Antimatter Problem Fails Another Test

Protons and antiprotons appear identical according to a new high-accuracy test. The "antimatter problem" is the big bang theory's need to see a difference.

Our Super Moon Is Not an Accident

A finely-tuned collision to form Earth's vital moon is tantamount to a miracle.

Spiders Play Silk Harps

Spider webs are so finely-tuned, they are like musical instruments that the creatures can strum or listen to.
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