Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland

Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy.

Darwin Fish Is to Blame for Heart Attacks

The Darwin mind virus has invaded Japan. Now, Tokyo scientists are wasting their lab time.

Evolution: A Useless Tag

Scientists should drop the word "evolved" from their writing. It obscures much and accomplishes nothing.

Life Is Devolving from a Past World of Giants

Almost every type of organism was larger in the past. Why is the world impoverished of giants today?

Silly Darwin Stories Continue

Macroevolutionary theory is in tatters, but it hasn't stopped Darwin storytellers from fantasizing.

Can Pristine Fossils Be Old?

Cases of exceptional preservation in fossils should raise questions about alleged deep time.

Fossil Soft Tissue: An Apatite for Rotten Fish

Scientists put up with the smell of rotting sea bass for 2.5 months to learn why some fossils preserve soft tissues. They didn't learn much.

Evolution as an Endless Tease

It's a scam. Darwinists keep promising rewards but never deliver. They draw people in with the "mysteries of evolution."

Weekend Funnies and Surprises

This is an assortment of news items that update previous posts, with some surprising discoveries tossed in.

How the Story Lost Its Just-So

When recast into more empirically rigorous language, Darwinian just-so stories become engineering design accounts.

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

No Evidence for Bone Evolution

Research into the cells and structure of bone supports the creation view: bones are designed.

Evolution as a Magic Wand

Natural selection is the most creative force in the universe, Darwinists believe. It does anything evolutionists want.

You Are More than a Primitive Fish

Consider this headline: "We’re more like primitive fishes than once believed." Why aren't people insulted?
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