Archive: Fall Colors, Goby Fish, Virus Motor, Planets, Hiking, St Luke, More

Fall colors and St. Luke: here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Origin of Bird Flight: Pick Your Miracles

Powered flight in birds arose only once; no! it arose many times!

Winged Darwin: Pterosaur Diversity, But No Ancestor

A lizard could not just take off like a bird. Flight specs are required!

Evolutionists Wing It with Stories

Flight? No problem. Wings pop into existence like eyes and everything else.

Batty Hypothesis Supposes Powered Flight Is Glorified Gliding

What good is an unpowered wing? Will it start flapping? Evolution makes it happen, say 13 Darwinists.

Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins

It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering.

Bird Flight Is Easy to Lose But Hard to Gain

Is it easier for a plane to lose its wings and roll on its wheels like a car, or for a car to sprout wings and fly like an airplane?

Intelligent Design Falls from Trees

Illustra Media does outstanding work portrayinig design in simple everyday things. Here is the latest beautiful example.

How Did Dragonflies Come By an Intercept Capability?

Dragonflies can track a prey, anticipate its future path, fly to a rendezvous point on that path and intercept it.

Bird Flight Highlighted

A new release from Illustra Media combines some of its best clips on birds plus new material into a short film on flight.

Pterosaur Beats Giraffe

A flying reptile with a neck longer than a giraffe's? Could it fly at breakneck speed without breaking its neck?

How the Darwinist Got His Just-So Story

Evolutionists are not yet ashamed enough about their storytelling habit, but there are some hopeful signs of embarrassment.

Bumblebees Pack Aerodynamic Sophistication into One Gram

Bumblebees seem self-aware of their dimensions so that they can navigate tight spaces during flight.

Pterosaur Feathers: Another Myth Exploded

The debate about when dinosaurs developed feathers has been supported by claims that feathers existed on the flying reptiles called pterosaurs.

Un-crushable Beetle Surprises Scientists

A beetle that lives under tree bark can withstand crushing forces 39,000 times its body weight. It’s called the “diabolical ironclad beetle” and scientists are intrigued. Live Science tells about its lifestyle. Ironclad beetles (Phloeodes diabolicus) measure about 0.6 to 1 inch (15 to 25 millimeters) in length, and are found in woodland habitats in […]
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