Fossils Too Perfect for Deep Time

Evolutionists never question the vast ages for fossils that are exquisitely preserved.

Evolutionists Add Another Magic Wand: Climate Change

When mutation, selection and deep time fail, evolutionists can now rely on climate to work mindless miracles.

Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests?

Perfectly preserved leaves under Antarctic ice tell a story. But what is the correct plot?

Wood Buried Under Ocean Floor Thousands of Miles at Sea

Wood chips hundreds of feet deep in ocean sediments have been found. How did they get there?

More Fossil Forests Found in Antarctica

The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers.

Fossil Forest Found in Antarctica

Claimed to be 280 million years old, stumps of fossil trees retain original material in the world's coldest climate.

Darwin Fail: Surprising Organisms Follow Their Own Path

There are organisms that change too fast, others that change too slow, and others that change without natural selection. What's a Darwinist to do?

Experts Misled Public About Yellowstone Fossil Forests

The old story of successive forests buried over long ages silently disappeared from Yellowstone park signs without remorse or apology.

Intolerance Grows for Skeptics of Consensus Science in Spite of Data

If you question evolution or man-caused global warming, be prepared for a smear. If you are a Christian, be prepared for hate. But the skeptics may have the facts on their side.

Evolutionist Lost Faith Over Flawed Geology Lesson

A college student’s Biblical faith could not survive a geology lesson that seemed to offer convincing proof that the earth was older than Genesis indicated.
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