Politics and Ethics Big Science Spreading Climate Disinformation July 30, 2022 Three kinds of deliberate misinformation (i.e., disinformation) are being spread by Big Science and Big Media. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Extinct Marine Reptiles vs Evolution June 7, 2022 Plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs were well designed. Saying they evolved does not make it so. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology News Media Swallow 830 Million Year Old Life Claim May 18, 2022 The extreme gullibility of scientists and reporters displays their blind love for Darwin and deep time. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Sponging on Fossils for Evolution March 25, 2022 They're not sponges. They're just minerals. They didn't evolve. They don't help Darwin. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Time Inflation: Evolutionists Hide Miracles in Millions of Years March 24, 2022 Impossible changes in evolution get funded with reckless drafts on the bank of time. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mars Life Is a Mirage February 24, 2022 It's an ongoing fault of astrobiologists to stampede on life claims. Two geologists want to yank the reins. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils Are Racist February 5, 2022 Nature says rich white countries are collecting all the fossils, skewing our picture of natural history. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Giants Are Hard to Evolve January 12, 2022 Extreme convergence leaves evolutionary paleontologists scrambling for just-so stories to fool the public. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Massaging Extinction Narratives with Microfossil Divination December 13, 2021 When you look at the details of the research, the basis for confidence evaporates. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Dragon Man Upsets the Textbooks on Human Evolution November 30, 2021 For the third time in 2020-2021, books about human evolution must be rewritten. Not so fast! Major problems exist with this latest skull. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Pterosaur Flight Design Confounds Evolutionary Theory October 22, 2021 Is natural selection really capable of optimizing flight four different ways? If so, it must have godlike powers. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Glass Sponges: Lessons from the Deep August 10, 2021 How can a "simple" or "primitive" sponge surprise engineers with its optimal physics? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Echinoderm Graveyard Found July 22, 2021 Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial. CONTINUE READING
Birds Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence May 18, 2021 Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossil Leaves Contain DNA April 7, 2021 Are these leaves really 16 million years old? They retain color, odor, and even DNA. Bruce Malone shares a remarkable find. CONTINUE READING