Media Reckless Claims Pollute Science September 29, 2023 If scientists are serious about the lack of public trust, let them clean house at the universities. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Fish Is to Blame for Heart Attacks August 23, 2023 The Darwin mind virus has invaded Japan. Now, Tokyo scientists are wasting their lab time. CONTINUE READING
Media Evolution Media: Dogma First, Then Puzzles August 1, 2023 Evolution is a fact! Got that? If so, now you are ready for the difficulties. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Macroevolutionary Theory Evaporates March 3, 2023 Evolutionists boisterously advertise their theory as a fact. Looking under the hood, though, one finds hot air and broken promises. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fire the Useless Darwinists January 17, 2023 Science will gain more respect if it terminates the Darwinians. They could serve society better as truck drivers or laundry workers. CONTINUE READING
Botany Green Darwinism Wilts Under Questioning June 24, 2022 When plants first came ashore, they say, the world turned green with trees and flowers. But how? They evolved. They just evolved. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Unmasking Evolutionary Fairy Tales November 8, 2021 They sound so scholarly, but the tales fall apart without the secret miracle flubber. Here's how to find it. CONTINUE READING