Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Wonders Under the Sea

Big animals both living and extinct showcase exquisite detail in bulk.

Lost and Found: Extinct Species Turn Up

Don't count out extinct species. In rare cases, they might be playing hide and seek.

Bird Flight Is Easy to Lose But Hard to Gain

Is it easier for a plane to lose its wings and roll on its wheels like a car, or for a car to sprout wings and fly like an airplane?

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

What Is This Babbler Trying to Say?

Some Darwinians think the Sulawesi Babbler is saying "I evolved!" How do they know they are not mistranslating its babblings?

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Abusing Darwinism to Explain Everything

Do documents evolve? Are birds that can interbreed still evolving? Darwinism becomes meaningless if everything that changes in some way is used as support for the theory.

Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution

Imprecise language confuses the evolution issue, making it seem like goal-directed activity of intelligent minds mimics Darwinism.

Early Fossil Bird Feathers Were Modern and Colorful

The predicted gradual sequence from fuzz to flight remains mythical, as modern feathers show up too early for Darwin's comfort.

News to Enhance Your Birding

Birdwatching is more fun when you learn what's going on in those feathered bodies.

So Where's the Evolution?

When you go looking for evolution and find stasis, has Darwin been falsified?

Instant Islands and Ecology

A new volcanic island near Japan recalls the rapid colonization of Iceland's Surtsey island in 1963.

Bird Tricks

News about feathered friends and flying wonders, and speculations about how they evolved.

Darwin's Finches: What Evolved, the Birds or the Story?

Imagine spending 40 years of your life promoting Darwinian evolution with Galapagos finches, only to find out on Darwin Day that the birds hybridize and cross-breed.
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