Archive: Membrane Channels, Molecular Machines, Censorship, Cave Art, More

Breakthroughs, controversies, and scientists acting badly: these are other reports recovered from January 2002.

Archive: Cells, Io, Cave Art, Solar System, Sex, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Archive: Robots, Hubble, Proteins, Cell Motor, Arctic, More

Here are some of our entries from our First Anniversary year 23 years ago.

JWST Surprises and Discoveries

Galaxies evolve quicker than expected, and stunning new images of Hubble classics dazzle the eyes.

Hubble’s Camera Celebrates 20 Years

The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope has dramatically changed cosmology.

Cosmic Disturbances Shake Astronomer Confidence

When theory and observation don't match, there is a loss in consumer confidence in science.

Big Bang Anomaly Prompts Excuses

The excuse for this astronomical problem sounds like the excuses Darwinists give for sudden appearance.

2020 Ends with No Dark Matter

Cosmologists end another year without finding dark phlogiston. What will it take to cure them of their pet myth?


One can't fault astronomers for not knowing everything – only for pretending to. Here are some reports indicating they have a long way to go.

Galaxy Evolution Crisis: Start Over

When you see the words "challenging" and "requires substantial revision" in the abstract, you know trouble is coming.

Wishing Upon Star Formation

Many astronomy articles have a bad habit of assuming star formation without demonstrating or explaining it.

Dark Matter: Now You See It, Now You Don't

All detectors fail to find dark matter. So how can a whole galaxy be made of it?

Let There Be Light Puzzles for Cosmologists

Far from a smooth, gradual transition, bright galaxies popped onto the scene suddenly.

Cosmology in Perpetual Crisis

Secular cosmologists are no closer to the truth than they were 20 years ago.

Globular Clusters Give Astronomers Cluster Headaches

The old story is out, and nobody knows what the new story should be.
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