Archive: Mountains, Demons, Proteins, Mutations, Human Lab Rats

The following short articles were first published in June 2002.

Darwinism Rationalizes Bad Habits

You can't help yourself. You're a victim of selection.

Evolutionary Psychology Tries to Replace Religion

Anything a church can do, evolution can do better, think evolutionary psychologists. But is science on their side?

Big Science Embraces Disinformation

If it's for the common good, lying and manipulating the public is justified, say leftist totalitarians in academia.

Never Trust an Evolutionary Psychologist

Anxious? Depressed? Having a bad relationship? Darwinists will say it's all just a meaningless game.

Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science

Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized.

Big Science Worried About Fraud, But Why?

Deceit is built into the fabric of Darwinism. Evolution is about getting a fitness advantage, whatever it takes.

Darwinism Undermines Freedom and Sense

If all behavior is based on evolution, where is personal freedom? Evolutionists seem unaware they shoot themselves in the foot.

Darwinism Undermines Values

The Social Darwinists preached a dog-eat-dog society. What are Darwinists preaching today? The same thing.

Making People Drunk for Science

Even if declared legal, ethical and transparent with participant approval, there are things scientists should not do.

Fraud Is Killing Science Publishing

Industrialized cheating is growing so fast, it's becoming hard to know what is real.

AAAS Wants to Evolve Integrity

The pro-Darwin AAAS is trying to use a failing strategy: increasing scientific integrity by intelligent design.

You Are Not Evolving

The Darwin media industry manipulates irrelevant evidence to sell the public fake science notions that claim evolution is happening in humans.

To Evolutionists, Cheating Is Natural

If people are Pavlovian subjects, why are scientists exempt?

You Animal You: How Darwin Hardwired Humans

You are what you are because you were what you were. Now you understand. Do what comes naturally, evolutionists say.
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