Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.

Science Goes All-In for Sexual Perversion and Marriage Redefinition

The collapse of science is complete. Find some theists like Robert Boyle and start over.

Evolving Marriage Is a Fruit of Darwinism

If everything evolves, then so do relationships. Consequences, though, must hit the wall of reality.

Gays Use Science Journal to Propagandize

Nature's open-access journal allows 3 "scientists" to lie in a survey that pushes the homosexual agenda.

Gender Dysphoria Is Not Biological

A new analysis of gender dysphoria finds causation in brain networks, not genetics or brain biology.

Big Science Tracks Political Correctness

So much for objectivity. Take any social cause that is politically correct, and you can count on Big Science to endorse it, and to condemn the Christian or conservative view.

Leftist Takeover of Science Continues

Nothing in science requires a scientific institution to take the liberal position on everything. Quite the opposite: science relies on traditional values.

Abusing Science to Advance Wickedness

What the Bible calls wickedness, evolutionary 'science' calls normal: good, even. Have some secular scientists become the new priests of Baal?

Big Science Supports Death

If it's evil, if it's immoral, if it's anti-religious, chances are Big Science and Big Media will be all for it.

Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission

If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement.

The Evil Darwinians Do, Cont.

You will know them by their fruits.

Scientific Brainwashing Is Back

Politically correct persuasion is at your doorstep, masquerading as a scientific survey.

Sexual Orientation is Not "Born That Way"

Psychologist says there is little scientific evidence that sexual-orientation is biological, but two powerful men forced the sexual revolution on the country.

Where Do Marriage Rights Come From?

There is only one reliable source for a "right"—and that is a directive from the only possible giver of rights.

Science Should Be Politically Neutral

Why do all the mainstream science journals and reporters give a leftist slant? That's not very scientific.
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