Flawed Research Underlies Gender Confusion

From two sexes to sixty genders in only a few decades. Are they inborn? New research reeks of speculation.

Did God Really Create Us Male and Female?

A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit.

Why Sex Is Binary

The new Woke claim that “Human Sex is Not Binary” ignores a massive amount of scientific literature

Evolving Marriage Is a Fruit of Darwinism

If everything evolves, then so do relationships. Consequences, though, must hit the wall of reality.

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Genetic Finding Keeps Sexes Separate

Why surgery cannot convert a male to a female or vice versa.

Genes Determine Sex Differences

Thousands of differences in male/female brains are due to genes, not a sexist environment.

Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice

With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science.

Christians Are Not Lab Rats

Social scientists who try to put Christians in their test tubes have the roles completely reversed.

Science Is Being Corrupted by Politics

The political divide in the culture has spilled over into science, ruining trust in objectivity.

Scientists Treat Biological Sex as Binary

Politically-correct influencers cannot deny the obvious forever. Scientists have to deal with reality every day.

Leftist Takeover of Big Science Continues

We challenge you to find any science story that praises conservatives for anything. Big Science would rather praise communist China.

Males and Females Are Real. All Others Are Fake.

Science knows nothing of make-believe genders based on how people feel. Researchers only speak of males and females.

Big Science: Lean to the Left

How does Big Science support the socialist cultural revolution going on in major cities? Let us count the ways.

Transgenderism vs Science

Scientists routinely speak of people as male or female. They only change the habit when political pressure makes them cave.
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