Bible and Theology Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland November 29, 2023 Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress May 6, 2022 Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Evolution of Pathogens Is Mostly Questions, Not Answers September 13, 2021 Do evolutionists understand the origin of pathogens? Short answer: no. But there are non-Darwinian mechanisms at work. CONTINUE READING
Botany Plant Wonders Inspire Awe June 27, 2020 From small herbs underfoot to towering giants, plants have what it takes to thrive in their habitats. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Snake Evolves Two Heads September 5, 2019 This is just the kind of thing Darwinists have been waiting for! Aren't two heads better than one? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection: Where Is It? September 2, 2019 Darwin's claim to fame is strangely missing when the critical eye reads scientific papers looking for it. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked March 2, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails. CONTINUE READING
Botany Plants Are Clever November 18, 2014 They may be stuck in the ground, but plants know how to get what they need. How do creation and evolution explain this? CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Homage to Diatoms June 19, 2014 Twenty percent of the air you are breathing came from tiny animals living in crystal cathedrals. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology On the Origin of Snakes December 6, 2013 New studies of snakes and their genes are surprising scientists with stories of "rapid evolution." Some findings offer potential for human health. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Mutations and Duplications: Pools of Innovation? October 23, 2012 Creationists looked in what evolutionists called "junk DNA" and found gems. Evolutionists are still looking for their gems in junk mutations. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Evolution Falsely So Called July 25, 2012 Evolutionary theory gets credited for changes that really do not help Darwin's view of a universal tree of life. Three examples show how. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology We Became Human by Mistake May 5, 2012 A new theme in human evolution is making the rounds. According to the story, a mistake led to the human brain, and the rest is history. CONTINUE READING