Evolution vs Climate

Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not.

Human Evolution Story Constantly Rethought

Nothing we were taught is true. Everything is up for revision.

Materialists Choose to Believe in Determinism

Why do materialists fail to see the self-refuting flaw in denial of free will?

Darwin Evangelist Preaches World Peace by Natural Selection

David Sloan Wilson is still at it, seeing evolution as a hammer and every human problem as a nail.

Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science

Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized.

Darwinists Still Attempting to Prove Criminality is Genetic

  The idea that criminality represents a throwback to our pre-modern stage of human evolution, (i.e., to the innate aggressiveness of our survival-of-the-fittest animal ancestry) was disproved over a century ago. Shamefully, it’s back. by Jerry Bergman, PhD. Introduction Phrenology, the art of divining personality by evaluating bumps on the human head, is one of […]

You Are Not Evolving

The Darwin media industry manipulates irrelevant evidence to sell the public fake science notions that claim evolution is happening in humans.

Scientists Affirm Gender Is Binary

Despite all the talk of gender fluidity and toxic masculinity, reality affirms what we all know.

Punching Darwin’s Lights Out

Story about human sexual dimorphism backfires on Darwin, ricochets onto transgenders.

Massive Study Finds No Evidence of a Gay Gene

Homosexual behavior has always been a challenge to explain by evolution.

Homosexuals Can’t Blame Their Genes

Largest genetic study ever done on the subject shows no conclusive evidence genes influence homosexual behavior.

Psychologist Confirms Depravity of Man

It's in human nature to do wrong. Experiments show that this is the case.

Liberal Journal and Media Disparage Conservatives, but Censor Falsification

A widely-cited paper disparaging conservatives was falsified, but the journal refused to admit it or publish a retraction.

Darwinians Still Justify Genetic Determinism

One of the most dangerous philosophies in the history of mankind is still embedded in modern Darwinism.

Determine to Oppose Determinism

Even secularists have trouble with books that promote the idea that we are what our genes make us.
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