Survival of the Nicest? Now They Tell Us.

Struggle for existence? No; love makes the world go round.

The Darwinist Genocide in Tasmania

The extinction of the Tasmanians was another egregious example of the fruits of Darwinism.

Evolving Marriage Is a Fruit of Darwinism

If everything evolves, then so do relationships. Consequences, though, must hit the wall of reality.

Archive Classic: Mao Zedong Killed 77 Million for Darwin

On the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we post this reminder that Darwin-drunk tyrants did far, far worse.

Anti-Christian Science Becoming More Blatant

The first step in persecution is portraying a group as standing in the way of progress. To many, a credible synonym for "progress" is "science."

South Sudan: A Lost Eden Recovering

The evil that men do affects wildlife, too. But when men stop doing evil, sometimes the animals come back.

Darwinist Tormentors Cry Over Torment Caused by Their Victims

When the scientific establishment is wrong or evil, science denialism can be a good thing.

Darwinism Inspired China’s Communist Holocaust

Read and become one of the tiny elite who know something about Darwinism’s influence on the “greatest death camp in the history of the world."

Holocaust Intensity Worse than Believed

With American technological assistance, over 1.47 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during a short 100-day surge.

Horrors of Mao’s Darwinist Utopia Described

There's a tree connecting Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao: scientific materialism, with Darwin at the root. Take a look at its fruit.

Secularists Treat Abortion Like a Religious Ritual

How can Big Science and the secular materialists who bow before their science altar be so in love with death? It makes no sense.

The Heart Is Desperately Wicked

Self-deception seems hard-wired into the human psyche, and scientists are not immune from it.

Christianity Could Help Scientists’ Moral Concerns

When all else fails, look to the Word of God.

Big Science Pops its Zits

If you think institutional science has a smooth complexion, look closer. From every angle, serious blemishes are coming to light.

Darwin: Imagine a World Without Him

A new book tries to imagine how different the world would be, had Darwin as an individual not lived to promote his particular views on evolution.
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