Politics and Ethics No New Human Influence Under the Sun September 4, 2019 Scientists trying to measure the damage done on Earth by humans need to look way back. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods How Long Does Geology Take? April 13, 2018 Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Amazonia Not Pristine March 2, 2017 The tropical rainforests of Brazil, once thought to be pristine habitats of noble savages, show evidence of mass reworking by humans for millennia. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Lost Civilizations: Human History Hidden in Plain Sight February 18, 2015 New imaging techniques have revealed extensive ancient human settlements in two very different remote environments. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Weekend Grab Bag October 14, 2012 Here are links to recent science findings and claims sure to stimulate thinking and further research. CONTINUE READING