Oceans Mitigate Global Warming

New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes.

Yosemite Just Got a Lot Younger

This is why you should never trust national park displays. Yosemite Valley could be less than 4% previous age estimates.

Pluto Rivals Earth in Geological Complexity

Call it what you will, Pluto is a planet of surprises. Its active geology is second only to Earth's, say two planetary scientists.
False-color image of Pluto from New Horizons, July 24, 2015

What’s Pluto Been Dune? Making Young Sand Dunes

Sand dunes were surprising enough on Titan, but et tu, Pluto? and young, recent dunes? Scientists couldn't believe their eyes.

Geology: A Science Where Theories Undergo Subduction

In plate tectonics, continental plates get subducted and melt under pressure. That’s like what happens to geological theories. Read enough geology papers, and you will find old theories constantly being replaced. Classic examples include plate tectonics becoming the new normal after Wegener’s theory had been viciously attacked, and megaflood theory for the Channeled Scablands becoming […]

Scientists Going Nuts Over Aliens

Baseless speculations are considered perfectly sane as long as you are a secular materialist.

"Overdose of Awesomeness": New Pluto Images Show Unpredicted Activity

More images have been released from New Horizons' July 14 flyby of Pluto, showing youthful mountains, glaciers and an escaping atmosphere.

Paper View:  A Geology Paradigm Suffers a Paradox

A pair of geologists found a paradox in a paradigm.  That paradigm is the belief that ancient ocean levels rose and fell in cycles as ice sheets retreated and advanced, and the cause of the cycles was periodic changes in earth’s orbit.  They modeled this process and couldn’t get it to work.  They couldn’t get […]
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