Geology Climate Change: What the Science Says August 15, 2024 The popular media is not giving the whole story. CONTINUE READING
Geology Green Greenland Was Good August 6, 2024 Climatologists worry about Greenland melting, but plants thrived there before. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Climate Blindfolds and Hypocrisy January 18, 2024 The scare about greenhouse gases evaporates when considering what leftist governments did in Sept 2022. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution vs Climate January 4, 2024 Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics COP28 vs Science December 8, 2023 The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference. CONTINUE READING
Geology Oceans Mitigate Global Warming January 7, 2023 New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes. CONTINUE READING
Solar System The Last and Lasting Footprint on the Moon December 14, 2022 50 years ago, Harrison Schmitt left the last footprint on the moon, but he is leaving tracks of an independent thinker on Earth. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Beavers Mitigate Global Warming November 11, 2022 Beavers provide a natural feedback that protects water quality downstream, scientists find. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Spreading Climate Disinformation July 30, 2022 Three kinds of deliberate misinformation (i.e., disinformation) are being spread by Big Science and Big Media. CONTINUE READING
Geology Comfort for the Climate Panicked May 2, 2022 Take heart; the world is not coming to an end. Who says so? Climate scientists. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Climate Science Is Imprecise, cont. February 19, 2022 More papers that calling for a "rethink" about climate, ignored by the mainstream media. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Climate Science Is Imprecise February 18, 2022 The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks. CONTINUE READING
Geology Volcanoes Cause Global Warming January 20, 2022 Volcanic eruptions can warm and cool the climate. Predicting which outcome will occur exceeds the uncertainties in geophysical knowledge. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Warming Caused Little Ice Age December 17, 2021 Here are more indications that long-term climate forecasting is beyond human prognostication ability. CONTINUE READING
Geology California Had Long Droughts Before Recent Climate Change November 28, 2021 Those who attribute droughts to recent human-caused climate change should read this paper. CONTINUE READING