Evolutionists Should Embrace Their Inner Gorilla

The Tarzan Movement would be ideal for evolutionists wanting to fulfill their destiny.

Laetoli Footprints Were Made by Humans

Have modern humans been on earth for 3.7 million years? Here's how Darwinians negate physical evidence by interpreting it away.

Why Don’t Humans Have Tails?

A major anatomical change in primate anatomy cannot be explained by evolutionary genetics.

Denisovans Were Modern People

More evidence shows that Denisovans were not primitive missing links, but a people group within humankind.

Evolution is the Fuel Behind Racism

  A Brief History of Darwin-Inspired Racial Prejudice by Jerry Bergman, PhD The riots that have plagued the world during the last few weeks were, in my experience, the worst I have seen in my lifetime. Even those that occurred after Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered were not as violent. I was born and […]

DIDO from the DODO Crowd: BAD Actors Confibulating with Evillusion Fogma

Darwin-only "science" leads to absurdities that only outsiders can perceive.

Irresponsible Reporters Push Evolution With Silly Notions

The silliest news reports in the science genre usually concern evolution. Immune from serious criticism, Darwinism should be a laughingstock, but is the darling of secular reporters.

Darwinism as an All-Purpose Story Plot

Observations are just props. The play is, “The Evolution of Whatever” or “How Whatever Evolved.” Now playing in science media near you. As a play, Darwinism has two subplots: natural selection and sexual selection. With a little creative screenwriting, any observation in nature can be fit into either or both subplots, provided the perhapsimaybecouldness index […]

Darwinism Evolves to Elude Falsification

The flexibility of Darwinian stories can be seen in two recent escape mechanisms.

Forcing Contrary Data into Evolution Stories

Some recent findings might raise the eyebrows of perceptive readers: "How does that support evolution?"

More Holes in Evolutionary Theory

Here are three examples of animals not branching out neatly on Darwin's tree like they're supposed to.

Evolutionists Struggle to Explain Language

Theories of language evolution don't rise much higher than ape chest-pounding, monkey screams and imaginative speculations.

Sex Cells: The Evolution (or Design) of Genitalia

There's been a lot of news about sex organs in recent days. Which does a better job of explaining the facts of life: design or evolution?

Living Surprises, Living Hopes

Here are ten recent discoveries about plants and animals that are surprising and inspiring. Some of them may lead to technologies that can improve our own lives.
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