Politics and Ethics Climate Blindfolds and Hypocrisy January 18, 2024 The scare about greenhouse gases evaporates when considering what leftist governments did in Sept 2022. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics COP28 vs Science December 8, 2023 The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference. CONTINUE READING
Geology Volcanoes Have Greater Impact on Climate than Thought June 30, 2023 Scientists know less about geological influences on climate than the popular press claims CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology How Earth Cleans Itself April 21, 2023 Scientists are surprised at new findings showing automatic cleanup of air and water. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Weekend Climate Reader October 15, 2022 Research on climate does not always match political hype. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Climate Science Is Imprecise February 18, 2022 The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks. CONTINUE READING
Geology Two More Climate Snafus Found October 1, 2020 Is the science really settled on climate change? Here are two more oversights in the models. CONTINUE READING
Geology More Unknowns Found in Climate Change Models September 22, 2020 More examples of complexities that confound the ability of modelers to make reliable projections of what the climate will do a century from now. CONTINUE READING
Health Solutions Come from Freedom and Ingenuity, Not Government February 22, 2020 Look at these fantastic examples of potential solutions to world problems coming from motivated scientists. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself) January 28, 2020 Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply? CONTINUE READING
Physics Nitrogen, Not Carbon, Is Killing the Planet, Worriers Say October 26, 2019 Will the globalists start calling on citizens and businesses to reduce their nitrogen footprint? CONTINUE READING
SETI Cut the Habitable Worlds by Half (or More) June 11, 2019 Astrobiologists figure that most earth-like planets give off toxic gases. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Biomimetics Parade Marches Upward April 14, 2018 Scientists continue to find amazing things about animals and plants that they wish to imitate in technology. CONTINUE READING
Physics Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets: Moon, Atmosphere, and Mass August 29, 2017 This is part 3 of Dr Henry Richter's discussion on the requirements for life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science More Sources of Error in Climate Models August 18, 2017 We continue examiningfindings that call into question the certainty of scientific consensus about global warming. Here are interesting papers from leading peer-reviewed science journals. CONTINUE READING