Mooney Tunes: The Fantasy Moons of Astrobiologists Leave Science Far Behind

You could be an astrobiologist, too. Just make up imaginary worlds filled with imaginary life.

How Astrobiology Could Be Scientific

Despite its propensity for wild speculation about life in space, there's one way Astrobiology could provide useful science.

Cut the Habitable Worlds by Half (or More)

Astrobiologists figure that most earth-like planets give off toxic gases.

NASA Verdict: Most Exoplanets Are Not Habitable

Superflares from the majority of stars would likely sterilize any planet in its "habitable zone."

How Did Earth Get Its Phosphorus?

The element phosphorus is hard to get to a planet's surface where it is needed.

Richter Scaling: Is Funding for Astrobiology and SETI Justified?

Should the government fleece taxpayers again for a project with almost zero chance for success? Consider two "Richter scales" that should inform hopes.

The Frantic Determination of Some Scientists to Discover Life Elsewhere

We often hear exciting news about 'habitable planets' that might have life, or at least the 'building blocks of life.' Are these reports based on sound thinking about the requirements?

Most Exoplanets Are Probably Not Habitable

More astrobiologists are coming to the "depressing" conclusion that we are alone in the universe, but it's only depressing if you're an evolutionist.

What Is It About Space Aliens that Makes Evolutionists Go Nuts?

Week after week, month after month, year after year, evolutionists speculate about imaginary friends they have never seen.

Earth as a Living, Breathing Planet: Is It Unique?

A new NASA video based on 20 years of data from earth-orbiting satellites will awe viewers.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 6: Chemistry and Probability

In this final segment about habitability of exoplanets, Dr Henry Richter looks at chemistry and probability.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 5: Water and Rock

by Dr Henry Richter There is much interest in searching for life elsewhere in the Universe. In previous articles I talked about the many criteria describing conditions and circumstances required to establish and maintain life on a planet. I talked about the importance of the location of the planet in its solar system. The location […]

Habitability Requires the Right Kind of Star

This is a continuation of my discussion on the requirements to allow life to exist on a planet elsewhere in the universe.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets

by Dr Henry Richter For a number of years I have been amused to watch many in the scientific community conduct a frantic campaign to identify life elsewhere in the universe. There has been a plethora of articles and significant dollars dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, particularly intelligent life. In recent times several […]

The Habitability Habit: Exaggerating Earth-Likeness

Secularists put too much hope on some aspects of Earth-like exoplanets, but sometimes reality keeps their imaginations in check.
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