Evolutionary Medicine: Help or Hindrance?

Does evolutionary theory promote development of new therapies to treat disease? Proponents make big claims but there is little evidence that it helps.

Archive: Fungi, Dinosaurs, Octopus, Appendix, JPL, More

A broad variety of stories have been published at CEH for 23 years. Look back at to August 2001.

Poison or Blessing? It Depends

What are called poisons or toxins can be beneficial in small amounts depending on the substance.

Moderate Drinking Is Not Healthy

A new more rigorous study dispels the popular notion that moderate drinking improves longevity.

Vulture Design Highlighted

Illustra Media's new short film shows that ugly things can be beautiful in their own way.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

Trans Men Can Get Pregnant

New research reveals dangers in the gender transitioning experiment.

Have You Thanked God for Bacteria Today?

More research documents that bacteria are essential for good health.

Science Overturns Itself

Examples of debunked scientific beliefs should give pause about what scientists know.

Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.

Secrets of the Vagus Nerve Revealed

This nerve is turning out to be of central importance in health.

Archive: Material Girls (and Boys) in a Material World Are Not Happy Campers

This article was published twenty years ago on Sept 7, 2003.

Human Breast Milk Is Designed for Both Mother and Baby

The advantages of breast milk are piling up: alternatives are not near as healthy or protective of mother and child.

Illustra Media Showcases the Wood Wide Web

The ways that plants communicate through underground fungal networks is illustrated in a dazzling new short film.

Keep Darwinists Out of the Hospital

The ones who brought us eugenics and purposeless existence want to "help" your doctors. No way!
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