Fly Specialties Amaze Scientists

The humble housefly deserves some respect for its engineering design.
Cassini at Saturn

Planetary Rings Defy Long Ages

Models of the origin of planetary rings are simulations based on fictions. Real physics cannot keep them billions of years old.

Intelligent Design Is Leading Biology's Golden Age

Look at a natural design. Seek to understand it. Seek to imitate it. Biology advances.

The Spin on Planets

As the orbs whirl around Sol, human understanding of our space neighborhood rises and falls.

Changing Stories at Saturn and Titan

News from the ringed planet and its largest moon shows scientists can't keep their stories straight when trying to keep Saturn billions of years old.

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?

The idea that honeycombs in beehives self-assemble is as old as Darwin. A new study claims to reinforce the idea, yet honeybees are not just bystanders in the process.
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