Solar System Planetary Science Evolves to Fit Failed Predictions February 16, 2023 The scientists may consider correction a benefit, but why were they so wrong for so long? CONTINUE READING
Solar System Wrong Again: Oort Cloud Fail January 2, 2023 Dramatic clash between observation and theory leaves astronomers dumbfounded. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy This Exoplanet Shouldn’t Exist October 29, 2020 Astronomers are baffled by a Neptune-sized exoplanet with an atmosphere that should have burned up long ago. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Forcing Planets into Line July 30, 2020 You can't make a planet do what your model says it must do to exist, unless it cooperates in your imagination. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Hot Jupiters: Astronomers Blew It March 31, 2016 The experts were (and are) wrong about how planets form, new data from a weird exoplanet show. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Hot Jupiters Exasperate Astronomers February 24, 2016 Nothing has been more upsetting to comfortable theory than the discovery of hot Jupiters around other stars. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Entropy in Space Seen at All Scales October 22, 2015 Entropy at all scales: clearly seen. Creation of order: not so much. CONTINUE READING
Solar System New Thoughts on Habitable Planets October 9, 2015 Astrobiologists are trying to standardize the requirements for habitable planets. Do they get them all? CONTINUE READING
Solar System Reality Check: Favored Planet Theory Dries Up July 26, 2014 Three "hot Jupiters" sing "how dry I am," casting serious doubt on the leading theory of planet formation. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Every Planet Surprises Secular Astronomers, III: Formation Theories May 4, 2014 "Surprise" or "puzzling" are the most common words in news reports about bodies in the solar system. Here are recent examples that discuss the origin of planets. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts More Evidence Our Solar System Is Uniquely Suited for Life October 16, 2012 With over 2,000 extrasolar planets found around nearly as many stars, there's still no place like home. CONTINUE READING