Downsizing Evolution’s Credit Balance

Evolution takes credit for many things that have nothing to do with Darwinism.

Living Fossils: The Horseshoe Crab Story

Living fossils pose significant challenges to Darwinian theory, even with genomes available. The horseshoe crab is a prime example.

Snake Evolves Two Heads

This is just the kind of thing Darwinists have been waiting for! Aren't two heads better than one?

DIDO from the DODO Crowd: BAD Actors Confibulating with Evillusion Fogma

Darwin-only "science" leads to absurdities that only outsiders can perceive.

Darwin Fish Lacks Tetrapod Legs

You can see a transition between a fish and a land creature in fossils and genes only if you have a vivid imagination.

Giraffe Genome Too Distinct for Evolution

The giraffe genome is now published. Does it show evolution from an ancestor in the time allowed?

Four-Footed Snake?

The fossil "transitional form" is not what reporters are making it out to be.

Fishy Tales About Tetrapod Origins

It's a stretch for mutation and selection to make a fish crawl out onto land with four digitized limbs, to say nothing of lungs and a new body plan.
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