Darwin and Evolution Downsizing Evolution’s Credit Balance November 12, 2021 Evolution takes credit for many things that have nothing to do with Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Living Fossils: The Horseshoe Crab Story February 22, 2021 Living fossils pose significant challenges to Darwinian theory, even with genomes available. The horseshoe crab is a prime example. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Snake Evolves Two Heads September 5, 2019 This is just the kind of thing Darwinists have been waiting for! Aren't two heads better than one? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution DIDO from the DODO Crowd: BAD Actors Confibulating with Evillusion Fogma July 13, 2019 Darwin-only "science" leads to absurdities that only outsiders can perceive. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Fish Lacks Tetrapod Legs September 9, 2016 You can see a transition between a fish and a land creature in fossils and genes only if you have a vivid imagination. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Giraffe Genome Too Distinct for Evolution May 18, 2016 The giraffe genome is now published. Does it show evolution from an ancestor in the time allowed? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Four-Footed Snake? July 25, 2015 The fossil "transitional form" is not what reporters are making it out to be. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fishy Tales About Tetrapod Origins February 1, 2014 It's a stretch for mutation and selection to make a fish crawl out onto land with four digitized limbs, to say nothing of lungs and a new body plan. CONTINUE READING