Science Prestige Crumbles

Public trust in science has taken drastic hits lately, and Big Science admits it. What will be required to get back its respect?

Scientists Pushing Ethical Lines with Human Embryos

Scientists are bad at policing themselves. What they can do and what they should do are two different things.

Evolutionary Ethics Ruins Families

Teach children they are accidents of nature, and what will you get? Family breakdown. But the evidence goes against the evolutionary view.

Adult Stem Cells Eliminate Need for Embryo Killing

As another fight looms over presidential policy on embryonic stem cells, here's what the latest news shows about the efficacy of adult stem cells.

Big Science Leans Pro-Death

Is there any logical or empirical reason why science journals and secular reporters should always take the pro-abortion position?

No Need to Tinker With Human Embryos

Programmed adult stem cells can do everything, but some researchers are determined to keep tinkering with human beings.
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