Nature Read in Youth and Paw

The wild chase of predator after prey happens, but we shouldn't make overly much of it.

How Whales Swallow Underwater

A whale has to lunge at a mouthful of krill, then take it down and eat it without drowning.

Why Whales Did Not Evolve

Illustra has packaged a "whale of a story" against evolution into a powerful short video.

More Underwater Wonders Revealed

These news items will awaken the marine biologist in everyone.

Design of Life Update: Marine Biology

The animal stars of Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries are still in the news: this time, whales, dolphins, fish and sea turtles.

Non-Darwinian Biological Change

Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm.

Whale Secrets

Whales possess some remarkable traits that are the envy of engineers, and the dismay of evolutionists.
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