Rethinking Hygiene: Can We Be Too Clean?

A scientist goes without a shower for five years and tells about his experience, and the lessons he learned.

Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Time to Get Down and Dirty

Staying too clean can be bad for you. Let your good germs take care of the bad ones.

Finding Value in Waste

There's something beautiful about transforming disgusting castoffs into products that are useful, valuable, and healthful.

How Exercise Benefits Bones and Muscles

Will it be possible in the future to reduce fat, build muscle, and strengthen bones with an injection of a hormone?

Don't Hate Bacteria Irrationally

It should be well known by now that we are surrounded by bacteria, mostly benign, all the time -- inside and out. Some reporters still attempt to gross out the public and make misleading statements from scientific findings.
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